Get your mail when and where you want it with a secure Post Office Box. Many Customers value most of privacy, security and flexibility of a Post Office Box.
It's easy to find. Search by address or Post Code for a P.O.Box near you.
It's easy to renew. Renew in person at the Post Office.
It's fast. Mail typically arrives faster at a PO Box than at a residential or business address.
It's private. Use your PO Box address for selected contact and transactions
It's affordable. Fees for a twelve-month term starts as low as $40.00 payable in advance. To register, fill in the form available at any nearest post office
And it's convenient. Choose a location close to work or home-whatever fits your need.
It's permanent. You can move around, but your PO Box address stays the same.
For further information
please contact:
P.O.Box Section
Mail and Parcel Processing Centre
Old Airport Road
Berakas BB3510
Brunei Darussalalm
Tel: 2381832
Fax: 2381782